Anjing Chihuahua adalah anjing berukuran mini, cocok untuk dipelihara di dalam rumah. Di sisi yang lain, ukurannya itu membuatnya cukup riskan untuk dibiarkan berkeliaran di luar rumah. Chihuahua tidak menyukai jenis ras anjing lain. Pertimbangkan jenis yang sama jika ingin memberinya seekor teman. Ada du macam varian Chihuahua, yaitu berbulu panjang dan berbulu pendek.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Monday, August 6, 2012
Anjing Paling Populer
Anjing Labrador Retriever adalah salah satu dari sekian banyak jenis anjing yang saat ini paling populer. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan menempati ranking pertama sebagai anjing top breed di dunia, dan sudah empat tahun Labrador Retriever bertahan di peringkat tertinggi tersebut. Sehingga tidak mengherankan jika petinggi di beberapa negara begitu menggemari Labrador Retriever.
Labrador Retriever bukanlah anjing berasal dari daerah Labrador, tetapi dari Newfoundland. Di Newfounland, anjing ini dikenal sebagai anjing St. John. Anjing ini dipakai sebagai oleh para nelayan setempat untuk menarik jala ke pantai, atau untuk menarik tali pengaman dari kapal satu ke kapal lainnya, dan menariknya ke pantai. Selama bertahun-tahun, Labrador Retriever dipakai oleh kalangan nelayan dan merupakan salah satu jenis trah anjing yang suka sekali dengan air.
Anjing ini pertama kali diperkenalkan di inggris di tahun 1980-an. Labrador Retriever yang sampai saat ini masih dipakai oleh trah anjing ini, sebenarnya adalah nama pemberian dari Earl of Malmesbury di tahun 1987, setelah menyaksikan kehebatan anjing ini bekerja di daerah pesisir.
Labrador Retriever bertempramen baik, sangat tangkas, hidung ekselen dan mulut soft, suka di air, mudah beradaptasi dan teman yang setia.
Labrador Retriever sangat cocok untuk anjing teman bermain, karena pembawaannya yang bersahabat dan jinak. Mereka juga sangat suka bermain dengan anak-anak kecil, dan rasanya kurang begitu cocok jika dipergunakan sebagai anjing penjaga, karena pembawaannya itu, tetapi cocok jika dipergunakan sebagai anjing pengawas untuk kewaspadaan. Labrador Retriever akan menyalak jika ada sesuatu yang mencurigakan dan postur tubuhnya cukup besar untuk menghalangi orang-orang tak dikenal.
Penampilan Umum
Bertubuh kekar, aktif tengkorak lebar, dada dan rusuk lebar dan dalam, bagian pinggang dan tubuh bagian belakang lebar dan kekar. Berwarna hitam pada anjing yang berbulu hitam dan kuning, dan coklat pada anjing yang berbulu coklat. Hidung berwarna pink atau kekurangan akan menyentuh bagian terdalam mata.
Begle Cute Dog
Anjing Beagle termasuk kelompok keturunan (breed group) Hound (polisi), dengan tinggi mencapai 13 inches dan berwarna tricolor dari warna anjing hound sebenarnya. Anjing jenis ini memiliki bulu dengan panjang medium, sehingga pemeliharaannya relatif mudah. Beagle terlihat seperti Small English Foxhound dan bulu yang sangat halus, kaku, dan pendek namun tidak seperti sutera atau lembut.
Sebenarnya beagle ditunjukkan untuk berburu dan iapun dapat melakukannya dengan baik. Didukung oleh penciuman sebaik hound, anjing ini pun cenderung mengikuti apa yang ditunjukkan oleh penciumannya dan mengabaikan hal lain. Hal ini menyebabkan latihan kepatuhan pada masa awal kehidupannya merupakan keharusan. Asal Beagle adalah persilangan antara Herrier dengan jenis England Hound lainnya. Keturunan ini sangat pandai berburu terwelu, ayam dan burung puyuh.
Anjing jenis ini merupakan anjing yang sangat enrjik dan aktif. Diapun sangat waspada hingga tempramen sehingga sebaiknya tidak menunjukkan sikap malu-malu atau tanda serangan. Beagle bisa jadi sangat nakal dan berani, jadi tindakan pencegahan ketika latihan dan bersosialisasi diperlukan juga.
Anjing beagle adalah anjing yang sangat menyenangkan dalam keluarga, karena mereka adalah anjing yang ceria dan dapat beradaptasi. Jenis ini memiliki hasrat yang tinggi dan sangat cerdas, namun perhatiannya sangat mudah untuk teralihkan dari satu hal dan mengikuti penciumannya. Jadi semasih anjing ini kecil, latihan yang konsisten, gentle, dan tepat untuk focus pada satu hal merupakan keharusan.
Untuk menghilangkan bulu yang mati atau rontok, Beagle cukup untuk disikat setiap hari. Menggosok dengan handuk basah sudah cukup untuk mandinya, dan sikat karet, kawat, atau yang bergigi tegak dan keras merupakan tindakan yang baik untuk menyikat. Kupingnya harus dibersihkan secara reguler karena jenis ini cenderung terkena infeksi telinga. Kukunya juga sebaiknya dipotong.
Anjing Beagle merupakan tipe outdoor dan suka berjalan jauh. Mereka memiliki stamina yang tinggi dan jalan-jalan dua kali sehari sangat dianjurkan. Ingat, Beagle memiliki insting berburu yang tinggi, jadi sebaiknya diikat atau dikurung saat di halaman. Karena mereka sering berlari bila menangkap sesuatu yang menarik perhatiannya.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Siberian Husky Wonderfull
Siberian Husky
Anjing Siberian Husky memiliki karakter khusus yang berbeda dari anjing breed lainnya.
- Anjing ini hidup dalam kelompok dan membutuhkan teman baik anjing lain maupun manusia pada setiap waktu. Bila anda tidak di rumah sepanjang hari atau tidak ada orang lain yang mengurusnya dan anda hanya memiliki kamar yang hanya cukup untuk satu anjing, sebaiknya jangan memilih anjing Siberian Husky atau ia akan terabaikan setiap saat.
- Hewan jenis ini sangat menarik hati orang banyak, ia juga ramah terhadap orang asing. Jika anda menginginkan anjing yang hanya setia pada satu orang, anjing ini bukanlah pilihan tepat.
- Walaupun ia terlihat seperti serigala yang seram, namun Siberian Husky bukanlah anjing penjaga dengan naluri agresif.
- Siberian Husky merontokkan bulunya paling sedikit setiap setahun sekali, jadi bila anda tidak ingin disibukkan dengan bulu yang bertebaran di mana-mana, anjing ini tidaklah cocok buat anda.
- Secara naluriah, hewan ini suka menggali tanah sehingga pecinta kebun yang rapi sepertinya tidak bisa memilihnya sebagai peliaraan.
- Anak anjing dan anjing dewasa Siberian Husky sangat suka berlarian, namun untuk melindungi dan mencegahnya hilang, sebaiknya kita mengurungnya di kandang atau menggunakan rantai. Bila anda berpendapat mengurung dan merantai anjing adalah kejam, sebaiknya tidak memelihara anjing ini.
Golden Retriever
Merawat Anjing Golden Retriever
Perawatan Harian
Mengandangkan anjing goldie berfungsi untuk melatih kedisplinan. Pada dasarnya tidak masalah goldie dikandangkan, terutama saat tidak ada yang mengawasi, sehingga resiko kecelakaan ( tersengat listrik, minum obat kimia, menelan benda asing) bisa diminimalkan.
Untuk menghindari kebosanan dan untuk kesehatan anjing, pada jam-jam tertentu mereka mendapat kesempatan bermain di halaman. Jika tidak mempunyai halaman, paling tidak 1 x sehari diajak jalan-jalan keluar rumah. Selain untuk olah raga (goldie dan pemilik), juga untuk sosialisasi ke orang-orang baru.
Perawatan Bulu
Memang pada suhu yang dingin, bulu akan lebih mengembang. Karena secara alami, tubuh akan beradaptasi agar tidak kedinginan. Caranya dengan menumbuhkan dan menebalkan bulu kapas. Jika di ruang ber AC, tidak masalah. Yang penting sirkulasi udara bagus dan kandang dalam kondisi kering selalu. Untuk perawatan anjing, bisa setiap hari di lap dengan kain kanebo untuk menjaga kelembaban dan membersihkan dari debu. Pertumbuhan bulu juga sangat dipengaruhi oleh nutrisi (makanan) dan vitamin bulu. Jadi intinya melakukan perawatan anjing berkala, adakalanya sebagian pecinta anjing pergi ke salon anjing untuk melakukan perawatan. Di tempat salon anjing juga bisa menambah informasi seputar anjing peliharaan.
Untuk makan, bisa memberikan Dog Food. Ada beberapa merk bisa digunakan, tergantung kebutuhan anjing. Untuk induk yang hamil dan menyusui, bisa digunakan dog food premium super, premium khusus untuk induk hamil dan menyusui dan anakan.
Untuk anjing dalam posisi idle ( tidak hamil/menyusui) bisa diberi mereka dogfood dengan grade di bawahnya. Selain lebih efisien, juga sesuai dengan kebutuhan.
Takaran Dogfood yang diberikan sangat tergantung dengan kondisi anjing, karena meski di setiap kantong makanan sudah tertera takaran, terkadang tidak cocok dengan kondisi anjing. Terkadang dogfood bagus yang mahal tidak cocok dengan pencernaan anjing, jadi makanan akan terbuang percuma dan pertumbuhan anjing menjadi terganggu. Kejelian pemilik untuk mengamati perkembangan anjingnya dan jika harus, mencoba berbagai merk, sangat diperlukan.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Pets from Indonesia, Asia
9 Hewan Peliharaan yang Langka
1. Orang Utan
Orang utan hidup di hutan-hutan yang ada di sumatra dan kalimantan, keberadaannya mulai terancam akibat aktivitas manusia. Aktivitas manusia banyak merusak habitatnya dan menjadikannya sebagai hewan buruan karena harganya yang sangat mahal di pasar gelap.
2. Komodo
Komodo adalah kadal terbesar di dunia. Komodo hanya tinggal di kepulauan flores terutama hidup di pulau Komodo. Komodo membutuhkan 5 tahun untuk tumbuh sampai ukuran 2 meter. Komodo dapat hidup sampai 30 tahun.
3. Anoa
Anoa merupakan binatang khas dari pulau Sulawesi. Hewan tersebut hanya hidup di pulau Sulawesi. Jumlah hewan ini terus berkurang karena habitatnya yang terus di eksploitasi.
4. Harimau Sumatera
Harimau sumatera merupakan jenis harimau terakhir yang masih hidup di Indonesia. Harimau sumatera terus diburu karena meningkatnya permintaan bagian tubuhnya terutama kulitnya yang menjadi bahan pembuatan tas, sepatu, dll.
5. Badak Jawa
Badak Jawa terdapat di taman nasional Ujung Kulon, Banten. Hewan tersebut terancam punah. Badak Jawa disebut juga badak bercula satu.
6. Kura-Kura berleher Ular
Meskipun jenis kura-kura itu baru ditemukan, tetapi hewan tersebut sudah terancam punah. Hewan itu hanya ada di pulau Roti, Indonesia. Hewan tersebut banyak diburu untuk di jual ke luar negeri.
7. Penyu Hijau
Jumlahnya semakin berkurang dan terancam punah. Penyebabnya adalah pantai-pantai rusak dan pemburuan liar. Hewan ini dapat ditemukan di pantai Pangumbuhan dan Suaka margasatwa Cikepuh, Sukabumi, Jawa Barat.
8.Ikan Pari Hiu
Ikan Pari Hiu di temukan di lautan Indonesia Timur, hewan ini ditangkap untuk memenuhi permintaan rumah makan. Jumlahnya sekarang makin berkurang.
9.Ikan Gergaji Bergigi Besar
Sama dengan ikan pari hiu, Ikan gergaji bergigi besar di temukan di lautan Indonesia Timur. Kondisinya pun sama, keberadaannya pun semakin berkurang Hewan ini dimanfaatkan untuk makanan.
Indonesian Cultures, Grave Stone from Tanah Toraja, South Sulawesi Island, Indonesia, Asia
Tanah Toraja merupakan obyek wisata yang terkenal dengan kekayaan kebudayaannya. Kabupaten ini terletak sekitar 350 km sebelah Utara Makassar ini sangat terkenal dengan bentuk bangunan rumah adatnya. Rumah adat ini bernama Tongkonan. Atapnya terbuat dari bambu yang dibelah dan disusun bertumpuk, namun saat ini banyak juga yang menggunakan seng. Tongkonan ini juga memiliki strata sesuai derajat kebangsawanan masyarakat seperti strata emas, perunggu, besi, dan kuningan.
Selain itu yang menarik dari Tanah Toraja adalah kuburan batunya. Untuk menuju Tanah Toraja yang mengagumkan ini terdapat jalur penerbangan domestik makssar-tanah toraja yang saat ini hanya sekali seminggu dan memakai pesawat kecil berpenumpang delapan orang, yang memakan waktu 45 menit dari bandara Hasanuddin Makassar. Jika lewat darat, perjalanan yang cukup melelahkan ini membutuhkan waktu selama tujuh hingga delapan jam.
Event menarik dari kawasan wisata ini, yaitu upacara pemakaman jenasah (rambu solo) dan rambu tuka (pesta syukuran) yang merupakan kalender tetap tiap tahun.
Selain event tersebut, para pengunjung bisa melihat dari dekat obyek wisata budaya menarik lainnya seperti penyimpanan jenasah di penampungan mayat berbentuk kontainer ukuran raksasa dengan lebar 3 meter tinggi 10 meter serta tongkonan yang sudah berusia 600 tahun di londa, Rantepao.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Design House White Minimalist with Simple Furniture
White minimalist home design was designed by architects Masi in Bates. The entire exterior and interior of the house a whith a white color, white color right solution to create a bright interior, architect let the color of natural wood floor in every interior and exterior. Simple furniture to complement the minimalist home architecture. Small porch without a roof with a traditional wood fireplace and provides a place to relax with family.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Force and Motion
Before discussing AC motors it is necessary to understand some of the basic terminology associated with motor operation. Many of these terms are familiar to us in some other context. Later in the course we will see how these terms apply to AC motors.
Force in simple terms, a force is a push or a pull. Force may be caused by electromagnetism, gravity, or a combination of physical means. Net force is the vector sum of all forces that act on an object, including friction and gravity. When forces are aplplied in the same direction, they are added. Fore example, if two 10 pound forces are applied in the same direction, they are added. For example, if two 10 pound forces are applied in the same direction the net force would be 20 pounds.
If 10 pounds of force is applied in one direction and 5 pounds of force is applied in the opposite direction, the net force would be 5 pounds and the object would move in the direction of the greater force.
If 10 pounds of force is applied equally in both directions, the net force would be zero and the object would not move.
Torque is a twisting or turning force that causes an object to rotate. For example, a force applied to the end of a lever causes a turning effect or torque at the pivot point. Torque is the product of force and radius (lever distance).
T = Force x Radius
In the English system of measurements, torque is measure in pound-feet (lb-ft) or pound-inches (lb-in). For example, if 10 lbs of forces is applied to a lever 1 foot long, the resulting torques is 10 lb-ft.
An increase in force or radius results in a corresponding increase in torque. Increasing the radius to two feet, for example, results in 20 lb-ft of torque.
An object in motion takes time to travel any distance. Speed is the ratio of the distance traveled and the time it takes to travel the distance.
Speed = Distance / Time
Linear speed is the rate at which an object travels a specified distance. Linear speed is expressed in unit of distance divided by units of time, for example, miles per hour meters per second (m/s). Therefore, if it take 2 seconds to travel 40 meters, the speed is 20 m/s.
The angular speed of a rotating object determines how long it takes for an object to rotate a specified angular distance. Angular speed is often expressed in revolutions per minute (RPM). For example, an object that makes ten complete revolutions in one minute, has a speed of 10 RPM.
An object can changed speed. An increase in speed is called acceleration. Acceleration occurs only when there is a change in the force acting upon the object. An object can also change from a higher to lower speed. This known as deceleration (negative acceleration). A rotating object, for example, can accelerate from 10 RPM to 20 RPM, or decelerate from 20 RPM to 10 RPM.
Mechanical system are subject to the law of inertia. The law of inertia states that an object will tend to remain in its current state of rest or motion unless acted upon by an external force. this property of resistance to acceleration / deceleration is referred to as the moment of inertia. The English system unit of measurement for inertia is pound-feet squared (lb-ft2). For example, consider a machine that unwinds a large roll of paper. If the roll is not moving, it takes a force to overcome inertia and start the roll in motion. Once moving, it takes force in the reverse direction to bring the roll to a stop.
Any system in motion has losses that drain energy from the system. The law of inertia is still valid, however, because the system will remain in motion at constant speed if energy is added to the system to compensate for the losses. Friction occurs when objects contact one another. As we all know, when we try to move one object across the surface of another object, friction increases the force we must apply. Friction is one of the most significant causes of energy loss in a machine.
Whenever a force causes motion, work is accomplished. Work can be calculate simply by multiplying the force that causes the motion times the distance the force is applied.
Work = Force x Distance
Since work is the product of force times the distance applied, work can be expressed in any compound unit of force times distance. For example, in physics, work is commonly expressed in joules. 1 joule is equal to 1 newton-meter, a force of 1 newton for a distance of 1 meter. In the English system of measurements, work is often expressed in foot-pounds (ft-lb), where 1 ft-lb equals 1 foot times 1 pound.
Another often used quantity is power. power is the rate of doing work or the amount of work done in a period of time. Power can be expressed in foot-pounds per second, but is expressed in horse power. This unit was defined in the 18 th century by James Watt. Watt sold steam engines and was asked how many horses one steam engine would lift a weight. He found that a horse would average about 550 foot-pounds of work per second. Therefore, one horsepower is equal to 550 foot-pounds per second or 33,000 foot-pounds per minute.
When applying the concept of horsepower to motors, it is useful to determine the amount of horse power for a given amount of torque and speed. When torque is expressed in lb-ft and speed is expressed in RPM, the following formula can be used to calculate horsepower (HP). Note that an increase in torque, speed, or both increase horsepower.
Power in HP = Torque in lb-ft x Speed in RPM/5252
Horse power and Kilowatts AC motors manufactured in the United States are generally rated in horsepower, but motors manufactured in many other countries are generally rated in kilowatts (kW). Fortunately it is easy to convert between these units.
Power in KW = 0,746 x power in HP.
For example, a motor rated for 25 HP motor is equivalent to a motor rated for 18.
65 kW.
0.746 x 25 HP = 18.65 kW
Kilowatts can be converted to horse power with the following formula.
Power in HP = 1.34 x power in KW.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
AC Motor Construction
Three - phase AC induction motors are commonly used in industrial applications. This type of motor has three main parts, rotor, stator, and enclosure. The stator and rotor do the work, and the enclosure protects the stator and rotor.
Stator Core
The stator is the stationary part of the motor's electromagnetic circuit. The stator core is made up of many thin metal sheets, called lamination. Lamination are used to reduce energy loses that would result if a solid core were used.
Stator Windings Stator lamination are stacked together forming a hollow cylinder. Coils of insulated wire are inserted into slots of the stator core.
When the assembled motor is in operations, the stator windings are connected directly to the power source. Each grouping of coils, together with the steel core it surrounds, becomes an electromagnet when current it applied. Electromagnetism is the basic principle behind motor operation.
Rotor Construction
The rotor is the rotating part of the motor's electromagnetic circuit. The most common type rotor used in a three-phase induction motor is a squirrel cage rotor. Other types of rotor construction is discussed later in the course. The squirrel cage rotor is so called because its construction is reminiscent of the rotating exercise wheels founds in some pet cages.
A squirrel cage rotor core is made by stacking thin steel laminations to form a cylinder.
Rather than using coils of wire as conductors, conductor bars are die cast into the slots evenly spaced around the cylinder. Most squirrel cage rotors are made by die casting alumunium to form the conductor bars. Siemens also makes motors with die cast copper rotor conductors. These motor exceed NEMA Premium efficiency standars.
After die casting, rotor conductor bars are mechanically and electrically connected with end rings. The rotor is then pressed on to a steel shaft to form a rotor aseembly.
The enclosure consists of a frame (or yoke) and two end brackets (or bearing housings). The stator is mounted inside the frame. The rotor fits inside the stator with a slight air gap separating it from the stator. There is no direct physical connection between the rotor and the stator.
The enclosure protects the internal parts of the motor from water other environmental elements. The degree of protection depends upon the type of enclosure. Enclosure types are discussed later in this course.
Bearings, mounted on the shaft, support the rotor and allow it to turn. Some motors, like the one shown in the following illustration, use a fan, also mounted on the rotor shaft, to cool the motor when the shaft is rotating.
Friday, March 23, 2012
How Does Flouride Work ?
Fluoride is a natural element that can be found in many things, like the water we drink and the food we eat. Decades ago, scientists began to notice that children who lived in places where fluoride occurred naturally in the water, had fewer dental cavities.
Fluoride that is absorbed by your body is used by the cells that build your teeth to make stronger enamel. Topical fluoride - fluoride that is applied to the outside of the enamel - makes the crystals that form enamel more durable. Tooth enamel crystals that have fluoride are much more resistant to acid. They are less likely to breakdown and cause the tooth surface to become porous.
If your dentist recommends a fluoride treatment during your next dental visit, you'll be receiving topical protection. The fluoride your dentist puts in your mouth will help make the crystals in your tooth enamel stronger. Always use a toothpaste with fluoride. Look for the Canadian Dental Association seal of approval on the toothpaste tube in your bathroom.
For an experiment on the protective power of Fluoride, check out the Healthy Teeth Dental Experiments Page!
Pit & Fissure Sealants
Floss is Boss
Brush Basics
What's the Best Way to Brush?
What Causes A Cavity ????
Your mouth is a busy place. Bacteria - tiny colonies of living organisms are constantly on the move on your teeth, gums, lips and tongue.
Having bacteria in your mouth is a normal thing. While some of the bacteria can be harmful, most are not and some are even helpful. Certain types of bacteria, however, can attach themselves to hard surfaces like the enamel that covers your teeth. If they're not removed, they multiply and grow in number until a colony forms. More bacteria of different types attach to the colony already growing on the tooth enamel. Proteins that are present in your saliva (spit) also mix in and the bacteria colony becomes a whitish film on the tooth. This film is called plaque, and it's what causes cavities
How to be your self - 10 Helpful to ( find your self )
Find yourself and define yourself on your terms.
Oscar Wilde once said with his usual wit: Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. As humorous as this might seem, it's a basic summation of the truth. Yet, you can't be yourself if you don't know, understand, and accept yourself first. It should be your primary goal to find this out. Find the time to dwell upon what you value and take time to consider what makes up the essence of who you are. As part of this, contemplate your life and choices. Try to think about what kinds of things you would or wouldn't like to do, and act accordingly; finding out through trial and error helps more than you might think it does. You can even take personality tests, but be careful to only take what you want from them so that you do not let such tests define you. Instead, ensure that the defining you do is based on your own terms and is something you feel absolutely comfortable with. You may feel self-conscious, but over time if you are around the right type of people for you, they will accept you for who you are.And love and start to look at the real you.
In finding your values, don't be surprised if some of them seem to conflict. This is a natural result of taking on broad values from a variety of sources, including culture, religion, mentors, inspiring people, educational sources, etc. What does matter is that you continue working through these conflicts to resolve what values feel most true to yourself.
Avoid fixating on the past and not letting yourself grow.
One of the most unhealthy approaches to being oneself is to make a decision that who you are is defined by a moment or period of time, after which you spend the rest of your life trying to still be that person from the past rather than someone who is still you but grows with the passing of each season and decade. Allow yourself this space to grow, to improve, to become wiser. And allow yourself to forgive past errors and past behaviors you're not so proud of. Work on accepting mistakes and choices you've made; they're done and in the past. You had your reasons for them and the decision made sense at the time, so instead of harnessing yourself to past mistakes, allow yourself to learn their lessons and continue to grow.Look for people around you who proudly proclaim they are no different than they were the day they turned 16 or 26 or 36, or whatever. Do these people seem flexible, easygoing, happy people? Often they are not because they are so busy insisting that nothing has changed for them ever, that they're incapable of taking on new ideas, learning from others, or growing. They might believe adamantly that they are "being themselves" but in reality they are often enslaved by the past and a particular image of themselves that they would have done better to have released long ago. Growth into every new age and stage of our lives is an essential part of being true to ourselves and to being emotionally healthy and whole.
Stop caring about how people perceive you.
Some of them will like you and some of them won't. Either attitude is as likely to be right or wrong. It's next-to-impossible to be yourself when you're caught up in constantly wondering "Do they think I'm funny? Does she think I'm fat? Do they think I'm stupid? Am I good/clever/popular enough to be a part of their group of friends?" To be yourself, you've got to let go of these concerns and just let your behavior flow, with only your consideration of others as a filter — not their consideration of you. Besides, if you change yourself for one person or group, another person or group may not like you, and you could go on forever in a vicious cycle trying to please people instead of focusing on building up your talents and strengths; being a people-pleaser or always wanting everyone's love and respect is a totally pointless exercise in the end that can harm your personal development and confidence. Who cares what other people say? As Eleanor Roosevelt said once, "no one can make you feel inferior without your consent" and what matters most is that you listen to your own inner confidence and if it's missing, that you start developing it!
Does this mean no one's opinion in life matters? No. It hurts if you're socially rejected. If you're forced into a situation where you must spend most or all of your time among people who can't stand you for reasons of their own, it's dangerous to internalize their negative ideas of who you are. What you can do is exercise some choice in whose opinions you value more than others. It's much healthier to pay attention to people who genuinely mean you well and who agree with you about what you want to do with your life. Someone can mean you well in their own terms and steer you down the wrong path with all the passion of real conscience if they think you'd be better off in a different occupation, different lifestyle or religion. Think of an enthusiastic evangelist from a different religion. If you are an evangelistic Christian, think of how it feels to be pestered by the Krishna people about their faith and vice versa.
Don't trivialize it if you face negative social pressure or bullying. It's easier to withstand it if you are aware of it as pressure and build healthy defenses. Building up a circle of trusted friends and people who share your views and beliefs in life is a good way to help reduce the impact of hostile people. You can tell yourself their opinions don't matter, but that's a lot easier when there are others who agree with you and stand by you.
Learn the difference between intimidating, throwaway, conniving, or thoughtless comments from others and constructive criticism which is well intended and focuses on real faults that you know could do with remedying. In the latter case, people such as parents, mentors, teachers, coaches, etc., might well be telling you things that you need to digest and mull over at your own pace, to make self-improvements for the better. The difference is that their critique of you is intended to be caring, interested in how you grow as a person, and respectful. Learn how to spot the difference and you will live well, dismissing the undermining critique, and learning from the constructive critique.
Be honest and open.
What have you got to hide? We're all imperfect, growing, learning human beings. If you feel ashamed or insecure about any aspect of yourself — and you feel that you have to hide those parts of you, whether physically or emotionally — then you have to come to terms with that and learn to convert your so-called flaws into individualistic quirks or simply as basic, down-to-earth acknowledgments of your own imperfections. Be honest with yourself, but don't beat yourself up; apply this philosophy to others, as well. There is a difference between being critical and being honest; learn to watch the way you say things to yourself and others when being honest.Try the tactic of owning up to your imperfections mid-argument with someone. You will often discover that suddenly you've removed the very reason for stubbornly holding the line of argument, which is often about preserving face and not giving in. The moment you say, "Yeah, look I get really irritable when the room's in a mess too. And I acknowledge that I shouldn't leave my clothes in a pile on the floor and yet, I do it because that's a lazy part of myself I'm still trying to train out of the habit. I'm sorry. I know I could do better, and I will try.", you suddenly infuse an argument with genuine self-honesty that disarms the entire point of the argument, which in this case is messy habits but could apply to anything about your own behavior.
Stop worrying about the worst that could happen, especially in social situations. So what if you fall flat on your face? Or get spinach stuck in your teeth? Or accidentally head butt your date when leaning in for a kiss? Learn to laugh at yourself both when it happens and afterward. Turn it into a funny story that you can share with others. It lets them know that you're not perfect and makes you feel more at ease, too. It's also an attractive quality for someone to be able to laugh at themselves and not take themselves too seriously!
Treat yourself as you'd treat your own best friend.
You value your friends and those close to you; well, who is closer to you than you are? Give yourself the same kind, thoughtful, and respectful treatment that you give to other people you care about. If you had to hang out with yourself for a day, what is the most fun/enjoyable/fulfilled/calm/contented type of person you could be, while still being yourself? What is the best version of you? Believe in this idea and use that as your starting point. Love and accept yourself as you are now, just as you do for your close ones.
Be responsible for yourself and for boosting your self-esteem. If others aren't telling you you're great, don't let it get to you. Instead, tell yourself you're special, wonderful, and worthwhile. When you believe these things about yourself, others will recognize that glow of self-confidence and begin confirming your self-affirmations in no time!
Develop and express your individuality.
Whether it's your sense of style, or even your manner of speaking, if your preferred way of doing something strays from the mainstream and produces positive outcomes, then be proud of it. Be a character, not a type. Learn to communicate well - the better you can express yourself, the easier it is for the people who like you as you are to find you and the ones who don't to just steer clear.
Stop comparing yourself to others.
If you're always striving to be someone you're not already, you'll never be a happy person. This comes about through comparing yourself to others and finding yourself wanting in certain ways. This is a slippery slope to tread, though. You can always see the appearances others wish to portray publicly but you won't ever see what's really going on behind their façades in their apparently perfect world. By comparing yourself to others, you give their image-portrayal way too much power and reduce your own worth based on a mirage. It's a useless activity that only brings harm. Instead, value the person you are, love your personality, and embrace your flaws; we all have them, and as explained earlier, being honest is better than running from them.
Avoid being unfair to yourself. Sometimes comparison causes us to compare apples with pears. We'd like to be a top movie producer in Hollywood when we're a lowly, aspiring scriptwriter. To see that top producer's lifestyle and find yourself wanting as a result is an unfair comparison – that person has years of experience and hobnobbing behind them, while you're just starting out, testing the waters with writing skills that may one day prove to be exceptional. Be realistic in your comparisons and only look to other people as inspiration and as sources of motivation, not as a means to belittling yourself.
Never stop looking for your own strengths. Over time, these may change and thus, so may your definition of yourself, but never let up in focusing and refocusing on them. They more than adequately balance out your flaws and are the principal reason for not comparing yourself to others.
Comparison leads to resentment. A person filled with resentment cannot focus on the mantra of "be yourself" because they are too busy hankering after someone else's spoils!
Comparison leads also to criticism of others. A life filled with criticizing others stems from low self-esteem and a need to pull other's off their perches that you've placed them on. That's both a way to lose friends and respect, and it's also a way of never being yourself because you're envy-struck and spending too much time on others, not on improving yourself.
Follow your own style.
The common thing a lot of people do is copy others' actions because it seems like the better route to fit in, but really, shouldn't you stand out? Standing out is very hard, yes, but you need to try avoid assuming other people's perspectives of you, even if it's not something you would normally do; that's what being yourself is all about. Maybe you like to sit outside on the deck under an umbrella in the middle of the rain, maybe you have different ideas of things, rather than other people, maybe you like strawberry cake instead of the common chocolate cake, whatever you are, accept it. Being different is absolutely beautiful and it attracts people to you. Don't let people change you!
Accept that some days you're the pigeon, and that some days you are the statue.
People might raise eyebrows and even make fun, but as long as you can shrug and say "Hey, that's just me" and leave it at that, people will ultimately respect you for it, and you'll respect yourself.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
mempercepat Operasional Win7 & Vista
Windows vista dan win7 mempunyai efek visual yang sangat kaya, misalnya ketika teman teman akan menutup sebuah windows, teman-teman akan meliha windows itu akan tertutup dengan sebuak efek visual yang sangat cantik, windows juga akan ditampilkan dengan efek transparan yang menarik, selain itu perhatikan windows yang ditampilkan, teman teman akan melihat bayangan yang membuat windows tersebut tampak lebih hidup dan masih banyak efek yang lain.
masalahnya adalah efek yang bagus ini menggunakan dan mempengaruhi performance komputer teman-teman secara signifikan, windows membutuhkan sumber daya yang besar dan demi tampilan yang bagus ini, untuk berapa kasus windows sengaja menunda waktu eksekusi agar animasi bisa teman teman lihat, contohnya adalah ketika teman teman meng-klik menu ataupun membesarkan dan mengecilkan windows.
Pada awalnya animasi dan efek ini tampak cantik, namun seperti pemandangan yang bagus sekalipun, teman teman akan bosan dan teman teman ingin agar komputer teman teman berjalan lebih cepat dn bila teman teman sudah merasa bosa dan ingin mempercepat komputer, efeksemacam ini bisa teman teman hilangkan.
Untuk melakukannya, klik menu start dan ketikkan " performance " pada menusatart yang muncul, klik menu " performance information and tools " kemudian pada tabulasi " visual effect " pilih menu " Adsjust For Best Performance" dan kemudian Klik OK. Semua efek yang memakan sumber daya teman-teman sekalian akan dimatikan dan apapu komputer yang anda gunakan, akan berjalan jauh lebih cepat dari sebelumnya.
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